Monday, July 16, 2007

Oklahoma City!

At the Ball Game!

Mary Lynn won the Horse's Aft Award!

No one knew that Mary Lynn was so good at golf. She made a hole in one on her first try.

The Awards Committee met last year at The Bluffs in St Francisville. After enjoying cocktail hour, Mary Lynn volunteered to drive us to dinner. Looking for a place to park was a problem. Unknown to the rest of us, Mary Lynn is a little night blind. Well before we knew it we were on the golf course at the 1st hole! The green was on one side and the sand trap on the other. Once she realized where we were, she flew out the car and refused to move any further. We were rescued when Dianne’s husband Bobby took over the abandoned car and drove us safely off the course to the restaurant. The next morning we went back to the restaurant for the meeting and decided to check out just how in the hell Mary Lynn had landed on the golf course. It didn’t take us long to figure it out once we saw all the golf carts driving down the same little cement path that she had taken the night before.

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